How to test Semioty services with engicam microdev board.
Prepare the building environment
Download the Pyro virtual machine image and run it.
Enter into the yocto source folder and update the layers:
cd pyro/fsl-community
cd sources/
cd meta-engicam
#update the engicam layer
git pull origin pyro
#clone the simoty layer
git clone
Now we need to setup the yocto environment for building.
For do this , return into the main yocto folder and run the bitbake setup environment script:
source engicam-setup-environment microdev
Change the machine type to microdev changing MACHINE ??= 'microdev' line.
The result should be the same at below:
MACHINE ??= 'microdev'
DISTRO ?= 'fslc-framebuffer'
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks"
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink"
STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \
ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qemu-native = " sdl"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-nativesdk-qemu = " sdl"
PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk"
DL_DIR ?= "${BSPDIR}/downloads/"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtbase = " tslib "
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtbase = " linuxfb "
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtbase = " fontconfig "
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-qtbase = " gl "
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-qtbase = " gles2 "
QT_CONFIG_FLAGS_remove = " -eglfs "
QT_CONFIG_FLAGS_append =" -no-opengl "
DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " x11 wayland opengl gl"
STARTUPDEMO = "resistive"
edit the conf/bblayers.conf file and add the meta-semioty layer to the layers list.
gedit conf/bblayers.conf
at the end add the ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-semioty \ line and save it.
the result should be like:
BSPDIR := "${@os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + '/../..')}"
${BSPDIR}/sources/poky/meta \
${BSPDIR}/sources/poky/meta-poky \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-freescale \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-freescale-3rdparty \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-freescale-distro \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-engicam \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-qt5 \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-iot-cloud \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-semioty \
Now you are ready to launch the build script.
launch the command:
bitbake semioty-image
Write the sdcard and install SDK
at the end of building enter into the folder deploy folder:
cd tmp/deploy/
In this path you'll the image folder and the sdk folder.
First of all install the SDK.
enter into sdk folder and type:
and follow the install instruction (keep in mind the path of installation your sdk you have to use it during the demo building ).
Now flash the sdcad image.
Insert the sdcard on your sdcard reader and check the reader path with lsblk command.
Suppose to have your sdcard reader on on /dev/sdc.
enter on images foldes, and lanch the command:
cd images/midrodev
sudo dd if=semioty-image-microdev.sdcard of=/dev/sdc bs=12M && sync
now put sdcard in to microdev , select sdcard boot and poweron the board.
Build the semioty demo
clone the latest demo sources from engicam git repo.
On your VM type the command:
git clone
Now enter on semiotymicrodev folder and launch the SDK setup script
source <sdk folder> environment-setup-armv7at2hf-neon-fslc-linux-gnueabi
source /opt/fslc-framebuffer/2.3/environment-setup-armv7at2hf-neon-fslc-linux-gnueabi
change the configs.h file with your credential:
#define MQTT_USER <your user>
#define MQTT_PSW <your password>
#define MQTT_TOPIC_SUB "<mqtt topic>/measures"
#define MQTT_TOPIC_SUB_BASE "<mqtt topic>/command"
now build teh application :
cmake .
At the end copy the application file on target with your certificate (ask semioty for this).
On target rename the certificate file in my.cert
Warning application file and certificate file must be in the same folder.
Now you are ready to run the application on target.
Array ( [DATI] => Array ( [prd_mk] => 135648 [prd_id] => 101249 [prd_data_ini] => 2024-06-12 11:01:03 [prd_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [prd_data_crea] => 2018-01-03 15:11:00 [prd_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [prd_id_utente_upd] => 104517 [prd_id_utente_del] => 0 [prd_code] => 0 [prd_seriale] => MicroDev-Carrier-Board [prd_cartella] => [prd_nome] => MicroDev Carrier Board [prd_serie] => [prd_parole_chiave] => [prd_prezzo] => 0.00000 [prd_quantita] => 0.00 [prd_descrizione_5] => [prd_descrizione_6] => [prd_descrizione_7] => [prd_description] => [prd_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [prd_unita_misura] => 0 [prd_iva] => 22 [prd_barcode] => [prd_categoria_principale] => 100116 [prd_suffisso] => [prd_bitmask] => 1 [prd_disabled_uo] => [prd_schedulable] => 0 [prd_slot_occupation] => 0 [prd_min_order] => 0 [prd_out_service] => 0 [prd_note_interne] => [prd_id_iva] => 22 [prd_sortkey] => 6 [prd_hidden] => 0 [prd_hide_logged] => 0 [prd_params] => [prd_in_evidenza] => 0 [prd_sconto] => 0.00 [prd_sconto_dal] => 0000-00-00 [prd_sconto_finoa] => 0000-00-00 [prd_nuovi_arrivi] => 0000-00-00 [prd_custom_field1] => [prd_custom_field2] => [prd_custom_field3] => [prd_spec_tecniche_0] => [prd_spec_tecniche_1] => [prd_spec_tecniche_2] => [prd_spec_tecniche_3] => [prd_spec_tecniche_4] => [prd_spec_tecniche_5] => [prd_spec_tecniche_6] => [prd_spec_tecniche_7] => [prd_cartelle_colore] => [prd_forced_link] => [prd_out_service_data] => 0000-00-00 [prd_in_service_data] => 0000-00-00 [cat_mk] => 101269 [cat_id] => 100116 [cat_data_ini] => 2024-05-30 16:02:42 [cat_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [cat_data_crea] => 2017-01-23 16:10:00 [cat_id_utente_crea] => 3 [cat_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [cat_id_utente_del] => 0 [cat_id_parent] => 1 [cat_tree_path] => <1><100116> [cat_tree_depth] => 2 [cat_is_leaf] => 0 [cat_code] => 100116 [cat_cartella] => files/ [cat_ordine] => 81 [cat_colore] => [cat_descrizione_5] => [cat_descrizione_6] => [cat_descrizione_7] => [cat_description] => [cat_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [cat_hidden] => 0 [cat_is_assistance] => 0 [cat_foto] => [cat_seo_title_5] => [cat_seo_title_6] => [cat_seo_metadescription_5] => [cat_seo_metadescription_6] => [um_mk] => [um_id] => [um_data_ini] => [um_data_fin] => [um_data_crea] => [um_id_utente_crea] => [um_id_utente_upd] => [um_id_utente_del] => [um_code] => [um_description_0] => [um_description_1] => [um_description_2] => [um_description_3] => [um_description_4] => [um_description_5] => [um_description_6] => [um_description_7] => [um_id_visibility_uo] => [id_categorie_associate] => 100116,100350 [prd_availability] => [prd_cpu] => [prd_dimensions] => [prd_format] => [prd_memory] => [prd_networking] => [prd_operating_temp] => [prd_pcie] => [prd_power_supply] => [prd_usb] => [prd_videointerf] => [prd_sistemi_op] => Linux [prd_sistemi_svil] => [prd_overview] =>General-purpose miniature carrier board based on MicroGEA STM32MP1 & MicroGEA MX6ULL modules. The MicroDev provides a wide variety of connectivity interfaces like 3G, WiFi, BT, Ethernet, USB, and serial ports.
[prd_features] =>
- MicroGEA STM32MP1 & MicroGEA MX 6ULL Module compliant
- Industrial temperature range
- Wide 7 to 40 Vdc single power supply
- 1 x 10/100 Ethernet interface
- 1 x microSD
- 1 x USB Type A
- 1 x RS485
- 1 x RS232
- 1 x RS232 for OS Console
- 1 x expansion connector (I2C, CAN, USB, UART, up to 10 GPIO)
- General purpose LCD connector: 1x 24-bit single channel LVDS
- 1x PWM for backlight control and power supply for LCD
- CTP I/F: 1x USB, 1 x I2C
Tiny Size: 80 x 50 mm
WiFi + BT (option)
UMTS 3G with sim connector (option)
Plastic box enclosure (option)
microdev | engicam-test-hw |
microgea | engicam-demo-qt |
microdev | engicam-debian-9 |
[prd_camera_interfaces] => [prd_core_type] => 0 [prd_dram_size_max] => 0 [prd_dram_size_min] => 0 [prd_dram_speed] => 0 [prd_dram_type] => 0 [prd_dram_speed2] => 0 [prd_dram_type2] => [prd_lcd_interfaces] => [prd_manifacturer] => 0 [prd_mass_storage_type] => [prd_mcu_type] => [prd_n_availibility] => 2020 [prd_n_cpu] => 0 [prd_n_dimensions] => 0 [prd_n_format] => [prd_n_power_supply] => 0 [prd_npu] => 0 [prd_num_cores] => [prd_num_lan_100] => 0 [prd_num_lan_1000] => 0 [prd_num_lan_2500] => 0 [prd_num_lan_10000] => 0 [prd_num_pcie] => 0 [prd_num_usb_otg] => 0 [prd_num_usb2] => 0 [prd_num_usb3] => 0 [prd_operating_temp_max] => 0 [prd_operating_temp_min] => 0 [prd_operating_temp_note] => [prd_vpu] => 0 [prd_gpu] => 0 [prd_3d] => 1A7jmnFXggM9nQ0YUg9U0sGePWr-fK0ld [prd_des_breve] => General purpose miniature carrier board based on MicroGEA STM32MP1 & MicroGEA MX6ULL module. [prd_descrizione] => [prd_spec_tecniche] => [prd_alias] => MicroDev-Carrier-Board-General-purpose-miniature-carrier-board-based-on-MicroGEA-STM32MP1---MicroGEA-MX6ULL-module [prd_seo_title] => [prd_seo_metadescription] => [prd_seo_tag] => [cat_nome] => Carrier Boards [cat_descrizione] => [cat_alias] => carrier-boards [cat_seo_title] => [cat_seo_metadescription] => [um_description] => [sconto_perc_utente] => 0 [url_vis_prd_col] => /vis-prod/MicroDev-Carrier-Board/MicroDev-Carrier-Board-General-purpose-miniature-carrier-board-based-on-MicroGEA-STM32MP1---MicroGEA-MX6ULL-module ) [IMMAGINI] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2693 [all_id] => 102237 [all_data_ini] => 2019-01-18 18:16:15 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2019-01-18 18:16:15 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => Mdev_1rd.jpg [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2019 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [file_size] => 136.64K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_http] => ) [1] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2596 [all_id] => 101957 [all_data_ini] => 2018-07-17 14:39:05 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-01-23 18:21:44 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroDevBottom_S.png [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 2 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => image/png [file_size] => 675.39K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_http] => ) [2] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2591 [all_id] => 102149 [all_data_ini] => 2018-07-17 11:27:59 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-07-17 11:24:00 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => uDev.png [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 4 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => image/png [file_size] => 380.52K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_http] => ) [3] => Array ( [all_mk] => 8977 [all_id] => 106420 [all_data_ini] => 2022-01-31 14:33:47 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2022-01-31 14:33:47 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroDev.jpg [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2022 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [file_size] => 47.64K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_http] => ) ) [IMMAGINI_YEARS] => Array ( [2019] => 2019 [2018] => 2018 [2022] => 2022 ) [MAIN_IMG] => Array ( [ID] => 102237 [TIPO] => 10003 [RECORD] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2693 [all_id] => 102237 [all_data_ini] => 2019-01-18 18:16:15 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2019-01-18 18:16:15 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => Mdev_1rd.jpg [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2019 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [file_size] => 136.64K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t1 [percorso_http] => ) ) [ALLEGATI] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2593 [all_id] => 102151 [all_data_ini] => 2018-07-17 11:35:42 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-07-17 11:35:42 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroDev-harnesses.png [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 3 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 3 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 3 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Tecnica) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Techinque) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto_tec [tpa_ordine] => 1 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => image/png [file_size] => 200.64K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t3 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t3 [percorso_http] => ) [1] => Array ( [all_mk] => 14692 [all_id] => 109407 [all_data_ini] => 2024-05-31 14:29:17 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2024-05-31 14:29:17 [all_id_utente_crea] => 104517 [all_id_utente_upd] => 104517 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroDev_Carrier_Board_Flyer.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 2 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 2 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 2 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Altro [tpa_nome_1] => Others [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf|doc|docx|odt|odm|jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif|xls|xlst|ods|zip|txt [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => altri_file [tpa_ordine] => 99 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2024 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 245.48K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t2 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t2 [percorso_http] => ) [2] => Array ( [all_mk] => 12492 [all_id] => 108291 [all_data_ini] => 2023-05-05 16:11:20 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2023-05-05 16:11:20 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroDev_carrier_USR_Manual_1.1.0.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 100002 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100002 [tpa_data_ini] => 2021-12-21 12:31:20 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100002 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_1] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => non gestita [tpa_ordine] => 20 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2023 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 8.23M [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t100002 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t100002 [percorso_http] => ) [3] => Array ( [all_mk] => 5265 [all_id] => 104140 [all_data_ini] => 2020-11-11 13:05:51 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2020-11-11 13:05:51 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_2020.11-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101249 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2020 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 170.45K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101249_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) ) [ALLEGATI_YEARS] => Array ( [2018] => 2018 [2024] => 2024 [2023] => 2023 [2020] => 2020 ) ) 1
MicroDev Carrier Board
General purpose miniature carrier board based on MicroGEA STM32MP1 & MicroGEA MX6ULL module.
Array ( [DATI] => Array ( [prd_mk] => 130291 [prd_id] => 101223 [prd_data_ini] => 2023-02-09 10:09:16 [prd_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [prd_data_crea] => 2017-08-03 13:15:30 [prd_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [prd_id_utente_upd] => 103516 [prd_id_utente_del] => 0 [prd_code] => 0 [prd_seriale] => MicroGEA-MX6ULL [prd_cartella] => [prd_nome] => MicroGEA MX6ULL [prd_serie] => [prd_parole_chiave] => ARM Cortex-A7NXP™ i.MX 6ULL [prd_prezzo] => 0.00000 [prd_quantita] => 0.00 [prd_descrizione_5] => [prd_descrizione_6] => [prd_descrizione_7] => [prd_description] => [prd_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [prd_unita_misura] => 0 [prd_iva] => 22 [prd_barcode] => [prd_categoria_principale] => 100108 [prd_suffisso] => [prd_bitmask] => 1 [prd_disabled_uo] => [prd_schedulable] => 0 [prd_slot_occupation] => 0 [prd_min_order] => 0 [prd_out_service] => 0 [prd_note_interne] => ARM Cortex-A7 NXP™ i.MX 6ULL [prd_id_iva] => 22 [prd_sortkey] => 85 [prd_hidden] => 0 [prd_hide_logged] => 0 [prd_params] => [prd_in_evidenza] => 0 [prd_sconto] => 0.00 [prd_sconto_dal] => 0000-00-00 [prd_sconto_finoa] => 0000-00-00 [prd_nuovi_arrivi] => 0000-00-00 [prd_custom_field1] => [prd_custom_field2] => [prd_custom_field3] => [prd_spec_tecniche_0] => [prd_spec_tecniche_1] => [prd_spec_tecniche_2] => [prd_spec_tecniche_3] => [prd_spec_tecniche_4] => [prd_spec_tecniche_5] => [prd_spec_tecniche_6] => [prd_spec_tecniche_7] => [prd_cartelle_colore] => [prd_forced_link] => [prd_out_service_data] => 0000-00-00 [prd_in_service_data] => 0000-00-00 [cat_mk] => 101146 [cat_id] => 100108 [cat_data_ini] => 2022-07-29 15:11:18 [cat_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [cat_data_crea] => 2017-01-23 16:05:43 [cat_id_utente_crea] => 3 [cat_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [cat_id_utente_del] => 0 [cat_id_parent] => 1 [cat_tree_path] => <1><100108> [cat_tree_depth] => 2 [cat_is_leaf] => 0 [cat_code] => 100108 [cat_cartella] => files/ [cat_ordine] => 79 [cat_colore] => [cat_descrizione_5] => [cat_descrizione_6] => [cat_descrizione_7] => [cat_description] => [cat_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [cat_hidden] => 0 [cat_is_assistance] => 0 [cat_foto] => [cat_seo_title_5] => [cat_seo_title_6] => [cat_seo_metadescription_5] => [cat_seo_metadescription_6] => [um_mk] => [um_id] => [um_data_ini] => [um_data_fin] => [um_data_crea] => [um_id_utente_crea] => [um_id_utente_upd] => [um_id_utente_del] => [um_code] => [um_description_0] => [um_description_1] => [um_description_2] => [um_description_3] => [um_description_4] => [um_description_5] => [um_description_6] => [um_description_7] => [um_id_visibility_uo] => [id_categorie_associate] => 100108,100110 [prd_availability] => Available at least until the Q4 2026 [prd_cpu] => NXP™ i.MX 6ULL [prd_dimensions] => 25 mm x 25 mm [prd_format] => [prd_memory] => Up to 512 MB DDR3-800 [prd_networking] => 1 x 10/100 Ethernet interface; 1 x RMII interface [prd_operating_temp] => Extended or industrial temperature available (see the manual for details) [prd_pcie] => - [prd_power_supply] => + 3.3V DC, +5V for USB (if used) [prd_usb] => 2 x USB [prd_videointerf] => 1x Parallel LCD 1x EPD [prd_sistemi_op] => Linux [prd_sistemi_svil] => Debian,Yocto [prd_overview] =>This MicroGEA is the smallest module on the market based on i.MX 6ULL. Everything is included in an amazing size of 25 x 25 mm, 3.5 mm in height.
This release of the MicroSOM family comes with the low-cost and power-efficient processor NXP i.MX 6ULL provides e-paper driving capability ( EPD up to 2048x1536), LCD with up to WXGA (1366x768) resolution, and many other peripherals.
[prd_features] => [prd_bsp] => 130vwiIXXs1tGs6gCvUROY9jZcxg1tvMq [prd_bsp_check] => 1 [prd_cores] => Single-Core Cortex-A7@ up to 900MHz [prd_graphics] => Electrophoretic Display (EPD) controller Pixel processing pipeline (PXP) to support 2D image processing including color-space conversion, scaling, alpha-blending, and rotation. [prd_videoresol] => Up to WXGA (1366x768) for LCD; Up to 2048x1536 for EPD [prd_mass_storage] => Nand Flash [prd_audio] => I2S interface [prd_pheriphinterf] => Up to 3 I2C Up to 3 SPI Up to 8 PWM Up to 7 UART Up to 2 CAN Bus Up to 2 SDIO interfaces Up to 2 ADC [prd_in_compare] => 0 [prd_imm_os] => [prd_imm_os_txt] =>
microgea | engicam-test-hw |
microgea-epd | engicam-test-hw |
microgea-256 | engicam-demo-qt |
[prd_camera_interfaces] => [prd_core_type] => 100000 [prd_dram_size_max] => 1024 [prd_dram_size_min] => 128 [prd_dram_speed] => 800 [prd_dram_type] => 100009 [prd_dram_speed2] => 0 [prd_dram_type2] => [prd_lcd_interfaces] => #100013# [prd_manifacturer] => 100002 [prd_mass_storage_type] => #100019# [prd_mcu_type] => [prd_n_availibility] => 2031 [prd_n_cpu] => 100046 [prd_n_dimensions] => 100050 [prd_n_format] => #100057# [prd_n_power_supply] => 100034 [prd_npu] => 0 [prd_num_cores] => #1# [prd_num_lan_100] => 1 [prd_num_lan_1000] => 0 [prd_num_lan_2500] => 0 [prd_num_lan_10000] => 0 [prd_num_pcie] => 0 [prd_num_usb_otg] => 1 [prd_num_usb2] => 1 [prd_num_usb3] => 0 [prd_operating_temp_max] => 85 [prd_operating_temp_min] => -40 [prd_operating_temp_note] => [prd_vpu] => 0 [prd_gpu] => 0 [prd_3d] => 1qlywDaQDI0IaFanab-6sr2J0I_iUoIdp [prd_des_breve] => i.MX 6ULL based Micro SOM [prd_descrizione] => [prd_spec_tecniche] => [prd_alias] => MicroGEA-MX6ULL-i-MX-6ULL-based-Micro-SOM [prd_seo_title] => [prd_seo_metadescription] => [prd_seo_tag] => [cat_nome] => SOM & COM [cat_descrizione] =>
Engicam offers an extensive range of System on Modules and Computer on Modules based on the latest generation of leading manufacturer's processors.
[cat_alias] => SOM [cat_seo_title] => [cat_seo_metadescription] => [um_description] => [sconto_perc_utente] => 0 [url_vis_prd_col] => /vis-prod/MicroGEA-MX6ULL/MicroGEA-MX6ULL-i-MX-6ULL-based-Micro-SOM ) [ALLEGATI] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2425 [all_id] => 101997 [all_data_ini] => 2018-02-05 09:53:31 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-02-05 09:53:31 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => GEAM6ULSW_manual_Yocto_2.0.5.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100003 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100003 [tpa_data_ini] => 2021-12-21 12:31:39 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100003 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Software manual [tpa_nome_1] => Software manual [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => non gestita [tpa_ordine] => 25 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 4.79M [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100003 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100003 [percorso_http] => ) [1] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2430 [all_id] => 102002 [all_data_ini] => 2018-02-20 14:09:30 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-02-20 14:09:30 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroGEAERRATA_Rev_0.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100000 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100000 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100000 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Errata [tpa_nome_1] => Errata [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => errata [tpa_ordine] => 10 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 118.18K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100000 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100000 [percorso_http] => ) [2] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2598 [all_id] => 102154 [all_data_ini] => 2018-08-07 17:04:44 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-08-07 17:04:44 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_1808-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 67.86K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) [3] => Array ( [all_mk] => 2651 [all_id] => 102202 [all_data_ini] => 2018-10-23 18:06:32 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2018-10-23 18:06:32 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_1810-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2018 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 205.29K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) [4] => Array ( [all_mk] => 4683 [all_id] => 103597 [all_data_ini] => 2020-04-10 11:23:07 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2020-04-10 11:23:07 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_1910-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2020 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 129.61K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) [5] => Array ( [all_mk] => 4555 [all_id] => 103493 [all_data_ini] => 2020-03-11 18:23:51 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2020-03-11 18:23:51 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_20.03-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => int [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2020 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 77.11K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) [6] => Array ( [all_mk] => 4689 [all_id] => 103603 [all_data_ini] => 2020-04-10 11:44:31 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2020-04-10 11:44:31 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_20.04-1.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 0 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2020 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 114.78K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) [7] => Array ( [all_mk] => 12630 [all_id] => 108395 [all_data_ini] => 2023-06-08 10:30:57 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2023-06-08 10:30:57 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => 443A.draco.glb [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100015 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100015 [tpa_data_ini] => 2021-12-21 12:31:39 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100015 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => 3D file [tpa_nome_1] => 3D file [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => glb [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => non gestita [tpa_ordine] => 30 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2023 [mime_type] => application/octet-stream [file_size] => 1.92M [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100015 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100015 [percorso_http] => ) [8] => Array ( [all_mk] => 12659 [all_id] => 108424 [all_data_ini] => 2023-06-13 15:51:25 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2023-06-13 15:51:25 [all_id_utente_crea] => 103516 [all_id_utente_upd] => 103516 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroGEA_locking_AN_1.0.2.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100002 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100002 [tpa_data_ini] => 2021-12-21 12:31:20 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100002 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_1] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => non gestita [tpa_ordine] => 20 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2023 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 1.14M [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100002 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100002 [percorso_http] => ) [9] => Array ( [all_mk] => 14078 [all_id] => 109019 [all_data_ini] => 2024-05-06 16:44:34 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2024-05-06 16:44:34 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroGEA_MX6ULL_Flyer.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 2 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 2 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 2 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Altro [tpa_nome_1] => Others [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf|doc|docx|odt|odm|jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif|xls|xlst|ods|zip|txt [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => altri_file [tpa_ordine] => 99 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2024 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 209.05K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t2 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t2 [percorso_http] => ) [10] => Array ( [all_mk] => 15832 [all_id] => 110094 [all_data_ini] => 2024-12-05 16:51:34 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2024-12-05 16:51:34 [all_id_utente_crea] => 104517 [all_id_utente_upd] => 104517 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => MicroGEA_MX6_ULL_HW_manual_1.2.3_.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100002 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100002 [tpa_data_ini] => 2021-12-21 12:31:20 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100002 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_1] => Hardware manual [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => non gestita [tpa_ordine] => 20 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2024 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 2.58M [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100002 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100002 [percorso_http] => ) [11] => Array ( [all_mk] => 11158 [all_id] => 107458 [all_data_ini] => 2022-04-15 11:05:59 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2022-04-15 11:05:59 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => PCN_220403.pdf [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 100001 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 2 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 100001 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 100001 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => PCN [tpa_nome_1] => PCN [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => pdf [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => pcn [tpa_ordine] => 15 [tpa_is_img] => 0 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2022 [mime_type] => application/pdf [file_size] => 162.95K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t100001 [percorso_http] => ) ) [ALLEGATI_YEARS] => Array ( [2018] => 2018 [2020] => 2020 [2023] => 2023 [2024] => 2024 [2022] => 2022 ) [IMMAGINI] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [all_mk] => 11250 [all_id] => 107521 [all_data_ini] => 2022-06-21 16:25:31 [all_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [all_data_crea] => 2022-06-21 16:25:31 [all_id_utente_crea] => 101555 [all_id_utente_upd] => 101555 [all_id_utente_del] => 0 [all_href] => uGea_1.png [all_didascalia_0] => [all_didascalia_1] => [all_didascalia_2] => [all_didascalia_3] => [all_didascalia_4] => [all_didascalia_5] => [all_didascalia_6] => [all_didascalia_7] => [all_prodotto] => 101223 [all_tipo] => 1 [all_lingua] => en [all_bitmask] => 1 [all_sort_key] => 101 [all_id_visibility_uo] => 114421 [all_params] => [tpa_id] => 1 [tpa_data_ini] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_data_fin] => 2999-12-31 00:00:00 [tpa_data_crea] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00 [tpa_id_utente_crea] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_upd] => 1 [tpa_id_utente_del] => 0 [tpa_code] => 1 [tpa_description] => [tpa_nome_0] => Foto (Galleria) [tpa_nome_1] => Photos (Gallery) [tpa_nome_2] => [tpa_nome_3] => [tpa_nome_4] => [tpa_nome_5] => [tpa_nome_6] => [tpa_nome_7] => [tpa_estensioni_valide] => jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff|gif [tpa_icona] => [tpa_cartella] => foto [tpa_ordine] => 0 [tpa_is_img] => 1 [tpa_bitmask] => 1 [tpa_id_visibility_uo] => 0 [tpa_max_num_files] => 0 [tpa_storage_path] => [all_didascalia] => [all_anno] => 2022 [mime_type] => image/png [file_size] => 917.83K [percorso] => /var/www/remida/public_html/catalogo/custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t1 [percorso_relativo] => custom/files/114421/ct10000_id101223_t1 [percorso_http] => ) ) [IMMAGINI_YEARS] => Array ( [2022] => 2022 ) ) 1